Responsible Video Gaming: for Parents

Responsible Video Gaming

Primarily seen as a hobby, an escape, a waste of time or even the cause of mental health problems, video games have a less than desirable reputation with a large demographic of the Maltese Islands. Education is lacking in both the formal and informal sectors. There is a lack of awareness among parents about issues related to Gaming Disorders and other possible addictions.

The course is aiming to address the lack of knowledge about the potential risks associated with Gaming disorders and other related addictions among young people. The course will focus on building knowledge and giving the parents practical skills to identify potential problems, take action and explore various sources for support and help.

Session Description

The Developing Young Brain

Typical brain development & mental health in youths

What is an Addiction?

Addiction as a mental illness

Outlining risks & common warning signs for addiction

Gaming Disorder

Defining Gaming Disorders vs. Problem Gaming

Available supports and professional help

Playing games with your children


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